Vintage Recipes
Tofu and Rose Soup
ERA :Southern Song Dynasty (1127~1279)
ORIGIN :Mountaineers' Dinner Table
RECIPE : Click here
ORIGINAL TEXT :采芙蓉花,去心蒂,汤瀹之,同豆腐煮,红白交错,恍如雪霁之霞,名“雪霞羹”,加胡椒、姜亦可也。
ANECDOTE : The author Lin Hong, inspired by the colors of the soup, has named this dish “rosy sky after snow soup”.
ERA :Kangxi era, Qing Dynasty (1661~1722)
ORIGIN :Recipes from the Garden of Contentment
AUTHOR:YUAN Mei (1716~1797)
RECIPE : Click here
ORIGINAL TEXT :用嫩片切粉碎,加香蕈屑、蘑菇屑、松子仁屑、瓜子仁屑、鸡屑、火腿屑,同入浓鸡汁中,炒滚起锅。用腐脑亦可。用瓢不用箸。
ANECDOTE : The story goes that Kangxi gave this recipe to the official Xu Qianxue, who paid 1000 taels of silver (equivalent de $69525 nowadays) in exchange. Later, Xu disclosed it to one of his students, Wang Loucun, who happened to be the grandfather of a friend of the autor Yuan Mei. That’s how Yuan got the chance to taste this dish and learnt the recipe.
Silken Tofu and Shrimp Soup
ERA :Qing Dynasty (1636~1912)
ORIGIN :Recipes from the Garden of Contentment
AUTHOR:YUAN Mei (1716~1797)
RECIPE : Click here
ORIGINAL TEXT :用腐脑,放井水泡三次,去豆气,入鸡汤中滚,起锅时加紫菜、虾肉。